Friday Sept 6th – Live Painting Competition & Silent Auction Benefitting Enspire Arts!

When: Friday, September 6th, 2024 5 pm to 8 pm

Where: Juxtaposition 425 NE 4th Ave Camas WA 98607

See Local Artists Paint Live at Juxtaposition in the First Annual Paint Off – During Downtown Camas’s Celebrate Art First Friday!  Experience the creative process in action as local artists go head to head in this painting competition and art auction.

Vote for your favorites & place your bid in the Silent Auction with all proceeds benefitting Enspire Arts. Other local artists are also contributing to the Silent Auction!

Enspire Arts will be on hand with an information table to share about the organization. There will be live music by Nathan Finkhouse and Arts Ambassadors Daniel Liu and Tia Williams, plus light appetizers during the evening for added entertainment.  Please join us as we celebrate art and local artists!  Live Artfully, Decorate Artfully, with art-inspired NW living at Juxtaposition.