Welcome to our new Professional Advisory Team! We are happy to announce our team of professional advisors helping us create, review, and expand our program content. Their expertise, talent and ideas are going to be a wonderful contribution to…

Welcome to our new Professional Advisory Team! We are happy to announce our team of professional advisors helping us create, review, and expand our program content. Their expertise, talent and ideas are going to be a wonderful contribution to…
So excited to share our Annual Report – what a fabulous year! We are so grateful for our community support as we grow our mission to support our youth & community with the benefits of the expressive arts. Check…
“The arts are indicators of emotional intelligence, but they also produce emotional intelligence. They help us grow and adapt. …. The humanities help us attune to each other as individuals and as a culture.” Dr. Stuart Brown. We are…
Congratulations to our 2020 Arts Ambassasdors Zach Braunschweig and Shalaka Deshpande! We are thrilled to have these two talented young artists as recipients of 2020 Arts Ambassador Scholarship Program. Zach and Shalaka will both be pursuing music studies and…
Welcome to Michele Yellitz – our new Business Development Specialist! Michele recently relocated to the Pacific Northwest and we are so grateful that she is willing to share her financial expertise with us! Not only has Michele had her…
We sure have missed seeing our students in person but we can’t wait to be a part of this fabulous virtual summer camp sponsored by The Hough Foundation for Hough Elementary students. Our curriculum has been revamped for the…