Thanks to The Columbian for sharing about the Arts Ambassador Scholarship Program. We’re so grateful to the community for their support of our growing programs. Be sure to check out the full article!

“At least a couple of Clark County’s nonprofit performing arts institutions have flipped that script by providing scholarships for young artists so they can further their education.
To power $500 scholarships for arts students as young as fifth grade, nonprofit organization Enspire Arts will host a gala benefit concert Saturday at Columbia Presbyterian Church in Vancouver. Admission is free, but Enspire Arts will gratefully accept donations.
Both professional and student performers will take the stage. Those talents include jazz pianist Clay Giberson of Portland (who grew up in rural Woodland, “both in the fields and at the piano,” according to his website); Latin jazz singer Jessie Marquez of Eugene, Ore.; baritone singer Zachary Lenox of Beaverton, Ore.; and members of the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra.
Sarah Lightfoot launched Enspire in 2017. Last fall, it handed out its fifth round of annual scholarships. Enspire grants three $500 scholarships a year to support education in a chosen field of artistic study (music, visual arts, dance, drama, literature). Private instruction, workshops and summer study all qualify, with scholarship money paid directly to the instructor.”